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Health Benefits of Mugwort (艾草的健康益处)

Mar 25,2024 | Hakka Imperial Kitchen

Traditionally, Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is a well-known plant for warding off evil spirits. After the Qingming Festival tomb-sweeping activities, some people use Mugwort pouches or take Mugwort baths to ward off evil spirits. During the Dragon Boat Festival, it is also a custom to hang Mugwort on doors to ward off evil spirits. However, Mugwort has more than just these effects. For centuries, this aromatic herb has been celebrated for its multifaceted health benefits and therapeutic properties in China, Japan and South Korea. 

在历史上,艾草(Artemisia vulgaris)是一种著名的驱邪植物。在清明节扫墓活动后,一些人会使用艾草包或泡艾草浴来驱邪。在端午节期间,也有在门上挂艾草来避邪的习俗。然而,艾草不仅有这些功效。几个世纪以来,这种芳香草药在中国、日本和韩国以其多方面的健康益处和治疗特性而受到推崇。

The Compendium of Materia Medica records: 'Mugwort is used medicinally with its leaves. It has a warm nature, a bitter taste, is non-toxic, and possesses pure yang properties, able to circulate through the twelve meridians.' Some also refer to mugwort as 'the medicinal herb'.


The Hakka people have a long-standing tradition of incorporating mugwort into their cuisine, utilizing its unique flavor and health benefits in various dishes. One popular dish is "艾草粿" (mugwort cake), where finely ground mugwort leaves are mixed with glutinous rice flour to create a fragrant and slightly bitter delicacy. This dish is often enjoyed during festivals and special occasions, cherished for its cultural significance and nutritional value. Additionally, the Hakka people also prepare "艾草煮鸡蛋" (mugwort boiled eggs), where fresh mugwort leaves are boiled with eggs, red dates and ginger to infuse them with the herb's distinctive aroma and subtle herbal flavor. These dishes not only showcase the Hakka people's culinary ingenuity but also highlight their deep connection to nature and traditional herbal remedies.


Mugwort not only contains many effective components but is also highly concentrated. In other words, it not only contains a large amount of beneficial health ingredients but is also quite uniform. The most important component in these effective ingredients is high-quality chlorophyll, also known as green blood, which has purification and blood-building functions and can resist allergies and peripheral vasodilation.


In addition to being rich in chlorophyll and dietary fibre, Mugwort also contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, B1, B2, C, as well as minerals like iron, calcium, and phosphorus, all in high concentrations. These trace nutrients, when multiplied with chlorophyll or other components, maximise their effectiveness. Therefore, Mugwort can be said to be the most effective and ideal food for those deficient in trace elements.


Mugwort, with its cooling nature and heat-clearing detoxification properties, has effects such as cooling, suppressing liver fire, dispelling wind and dampness, anti-inflammation, and relieving cough. It has a unique flavor due to its content of cineole aromatic oil. Among them, the anticancer trace element selenium is recognized as being ten times that of the anticancer plant aloe vera. Additionally, it has good therapeutic effects on lowering blood pressure, reducing blood lipids, and alleviating cardiovascular diseases, making it a typical health-promoting vegetable.


In Japan, Mugwort, commonly referred to as "Yomogi," holds a special place in both cuisine and traditional medicine. Renowned for its distinct flavour and therapeutic properties, Yomogi is used in a variety of culinary dishes, herbal remedies, and cultural practices throughout the country, whether enjoyed in teas, desserts, or savoury dishes. Beyond its culinary and medicinal uses, Yomogi also finds its way into the world of sake production. Brewmasters often incorporate Yomogi during the fermentation process, where its aromatic and herbal qualities infuse the sake with a subtle earthy flavour and a hint of sweetness. From traditional to modern breweries, yomogi-infused sake has become a sought-after delicacy, captivating sake enthusiasts with its unique profile and cultural significance.


Mugwort is a key ingredient in popular Korean rice cakes like ssuk injeolmi, ssuk beomul, and ssuk beomuri, imparting a distinct aroma and flavour. Whether as a filling, in the dough, or as a garnish, mugwort adds a unique twist to these traditional treats, delighting taste buds with every bite.

艾蒿也是韩国流行的年糕(如ssuk injeolmi、ssuk beomul和ssuk beomuri)中的关键成分,赋予了独特的香气和味道。无论是作为馅料、面团的一部分还是作为装饰,艾蒿都为这些传统的美食带来了独特的风味,每一口都能令人愉悦。