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Health Benefits of Hakka Rice Wine (客家米酒的好处)

Feb 20,2024 | Hakka Imperial Kitchen

Hakka rice wine is one of the world's oldest types of alcoholic beverages and has been affectionately referred to as "娘酒" (niáng jiǔ) by the Hakka people and is also known as "老酒" (lǎo jiǔ), "糯米酒" (nuòmǐ jiǔ), and "月子酒" (yuèzi jiǔ) in some places. Hakka rice wine is not only a common ingredient among the Hakka people, but "Hakka yellow wine chicken" is also a significant nourishing dish in the broader Chinese postpartum diet.

米酒是世界上古老的酒类之一, 而客家米酒制作历史悠久。客家米酒被客家人亲切地称为“娘酒”, 在有些地方也被称为老酒、糯米酒、月子酒。客家米酒不仅仅是客家人常用的食料, 客家黄酒鸡也是广泛的华人月子食谱里最重要的滋补菜。



Hakka rice wine is inherently a versatile and multipurpose ingredient – it can eliminate any fishy or off-flavours from the dishes, enhance the aroma and taste, as well as increase the nutritional value of dishes. However, its significance is particularly pronounced in postpartum diets. Rice lees is another product produced by the wine brewery and although its health benefits are similar to that of Hakka rice wine in solid form, it contributes greatly to buxom, beautifying brightening complexion and anti-wrinkle effect. Furthermore, it is rich in complex vitamin B to calm our nerves and strengthen immunity. It is consumed in Japan and concocted as amazake, a traditional health drink and the rice lees or sake kasu is also used widely in their cuisine. In China, it is taken as breakfast and a health supplement drink.

客家米酒本就是一个多功能且通用的食料 —— 它可去除原料中的腥味和杂味, 并起到增香、增味的作用和提高菜肴的营养成分。但它在月子食谱里尤其重要。酒庄还生产了另一种产品, 叫做酒酿。虽然其健康益处与客家米酒的固态形式类似, 但它对丰胸、美白皮肤和抗皱效果有着巨大的贡献。此外,它富含复合维生素B,有助于镇定神经和增强免疫力。在日本, 人们会将其食用,制成甘酒,这是一种传统的健康饮品, 在他们的餐饮中被广泛使用。在中国, 酒酿被当作早餐和健康补品饮用。



Hakka rice wine and rice lees have various benefits. It not only enhances the flavour of dishes but is also believed to be beneficial for health. Drinking a moderate amount of Hakka yellow wine can protect the heart and promote uterine contraction. Additionally, it enhances the function of the stomach. The stomach and spleen have multiple important functions. In the "Esoteric Scripture of the Yellow Emperor," it is said, "when consumed into the stomach, it circulates and spreads the essence and energy, ascends to the spleen, where the spleen's energy disperses essence, and it rises to the lungs... Water and essence are distributed throughout the four limbs, and the five meridians run harmoniously." This implies that the stomach and spleen system plays a crucial role in the human body. It not only processes fluids, assists in digestion, regulates blood circulation, and controls muscles and limbs but also has a preference for dampness. Ultimately, the health of the stomach and spleen is closely related to longevity, and it is intimately connected to the individual's vitality. Changes in one's appearance are closely tied to the fluctuations in the vitality of one's blood and qi.

客家黄酒和酒酿本身就有许多好处, 不仅可以增添菜肴的风味,还被认为有益于健康。适量地喝一些黄酒的话,能够保护心脏,也能促进子宫收缩。此外, 它也增强胃的功能。脾胃具有多种重要功能。《黄帝内经》里说: “饮入于胃, 游溢精气, 上输于脾, 脾气散精, 上归于肺。。。水精四布, 五经并行。” 这意味着脾胃系统在人体中扮演着至关重要的角色, 不仅能运化水液、主升、统血、掌控肌肉和四肢, 还对湿气有所偏好。最终, 脾胃的健康与长寿息息相关, 与个体的元气盛衰密切相关。容颜的改变于气血的盛衰变化也有着非常密切的关系。


Both Hakka rice wine and rice lees indeed have many benefits. Firstly, it aids in promoting breast milk secretion and is beneficial for expelling vaginal lochia. Secondly, its natural sweetness and aroma stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes, improve appetite, and contribute to better digestion of food. At the same time, for postpartum wounds, postpartum wine helps promote blood circulation, boost metabolism, facilitate wound healing, and ward off cold pathogens. Thirdly, postpartum wine is rich in various vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients, effectively assisting mothers who are weakened to replenish blood and qi, promoting recovery and overall health.

客家米酒和酒酿确实都具有诸多益处。首先, 月子酒有助于促进乳汁分泌,并有利于排除阴道恶露。其次, 两者本身香甜芳香, 可以刺激消化腺的分泌, 增进食欲, 有助于更好地消化食物。同时, 对于产后的伤口, 月子酒有助于促进血液循环, 加强新陈代谢, 有利于伤口的愈合, 并能抵御寒邪入侵。第三,月子酒富含多种维生素、氨基酸等营养成分, 可有效帮助身体虚弱的妈妈补血和补气, 促进康复与健康。


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Through the sharing of recipes, cultural stories and provision of core Hakka condiments such as rice wine, Hakka Imperial Kitchen strives to help preserve and promote Hakka food and culture. 

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