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Hakka Festivals (客家桐花节、天穿节)

Feb 19,2024 | Hakka Imperial Kitchen


Hakka wine festivals and celebrations are vibrant expressions of the rich tapestry of Hakka culture, weaving together tradition, community, and culinary artistry in captivating displays. These gatherings serve as cherished focal points for Hakka communities worldwide to unite in celebration of their shared heritage and traditions.

One such jubilant affair is the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival (客家桐花节) a revered event held in regions like Taiwan, where the Hakka population thrives. This festival marks the blooming of tung trees, adorning the landscape with a blanket of delicate blossoms. While the festival is not exclusively dedicated to rice wine, it serves as a vibrant platform for showcasing the multifaceted facets of Hakka culture. Visitors are treated to a sensory feast of traditional music, lively dance performances, and tantalising culinary delights. Here, the aroma of Hakka rice wine wafts through the air, as ceremonial toasts and culinary demonstrations underscore its integral role in Hakka festivities.

Another unique Hakka festival is Tianchuan Festival (天穿节) which has generally only been retained in northern regions of China. It commemorates a well-known mythological tale of the goddess Nuwa mending the sky to save humanity and is also a festival in ancient times where people hoped for good weather, prosperity, agricultural abundance, peace, and happiness. The timing of the festival varies slightly from place to place, but it is most commonly celebrated on the 20th day. However, since the Song Dynasty, records about the Tianchuan Festival have gradually decreased.

Beyond both festivals mentioned above, a myriad of other celebrations dot the calendar, each offering its own unique insight into the enduring spirit of the Hakka people. From lively street fairs to intimate community gatherings, these festivals serve as conduits for preserving and promoting Hakka cultural traditions. Whether it's the Hakka Dragon Boat Festival or the Hakka Lantern Festival, each event provides a cherished opportunity for Hakka communities to come together, reaffirming their bonds of kinship and celebrating the vibrant tapestry of their shared heritage.

During Chinese New Year and other festive occasions, Hakka food takes centre stage in Hakka households, serving as a cornerstone of celebrations and familial gatherings. Traditional Hakka dishes, with their rich flavours and symbolic significance, hold a special place in the hearts of Hakka families, often featuring prominently in extensive feasts. From Braised Pork with Preserved Mustard (梅菜扣肉) to Yellow Wine Chicken (鸡酒) and fragrant rice wine-infused dishes, the Hakka culinary repertoire offers an array of delicacies to delight the senses and nourish the soul. These festive occasions provide an opportunity for Hakka families to come together, reconnecting with cherished traditions and passing down culinary secrets from one generation to the next. Whether it's sharing stories over a steaming bowl of Lei Char (雷茶) or savouring the crisp sweetness of Abacus Seeds (算盘子), Hakka food not only satisfies hunger but also strengthens familial bonds and fosters a sense of cultural pride.

In essence, Hakka wine festivals and celebrations are not mere occasions for revelry and merriment; they are living embodiments of the resilience, unity, and cultural richness of the Hakka people. Through these festive gatherings, the spirit of the Hakka community thrives, ensuring that their traditions endure for generations to come.


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Through the sharing of recipes, cultural stories and provision of core Hakka condiments such as rice wine, Hakka Imperial Kitchen strives to help preserve and promote Hakka food and culture. 

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