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Chicken Braised in Hakka Rice Wine (鸡酒)

Jun 20,2022 | Hakka Imperial Kitchen

Hakka Imperial Kitchen Chicken Braised in Rice Wine 鸡酒 Ingredients

What is Chicken Braised in Rice Wine (鸡酒)?

Chicken Braised in Rice Wine (鸡酒) is a delightful Hakka dish that embodies the essence of comfort food. Tender pieces of chicken, bathed in a rich and flavorful sauce infused with the distinct aroma of Hakka rice wine. Paired with a steaming bowl of rice, it's a satisfying and wholesome meal that warms both the body and the soul.

This classic dish is made by gently simmering chicken pieces in a fragrant broth, enriched with the subtle sweetness of Hakka rice wine and the warm, spicy notes of ginger. The result is a dish that is both tender and flavorful, with each bite delivering a burst of savory goodness.

Chicken Braised in Rice Wine (鸡酒) holds a special place in Hakka cuisine, cherished for its simplicity and heartiness. Whether enjoyed on a chilly winter evening or as part of a festive celebration, this beloved Hakka dish is sure to leave a lasting impression.


Rich in antioxidants, this dish helps to combat inflammation and promote overall well-being. Additionally, it's known to aid in soothing stomach discomfort by dispelling wind, making it a comforting choice for digestive issues. Moreover, the nutritional perks extend further, as the dish has been linked to improvements in blood circulation and aiding in the body's detoxification processes. With each wholesome bite, you're not only savoring delicious flavors but also nourishing your body from the inside out, making it a truly satisfying and health-conscious choice.

At Hakka Imperial Kitchen, we use our in-house freshly brewed rice wine with fresh ingredients to maintain the nutritional benefits and to enhance the taste of this dish. 


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Through the sharing of recipes, cultural stories and provision of core Hakka condiments such as rice wine, Hakka Imperial Kitchen strives to help preserve and promote Hakka food and culture. 

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