Wine Rice (酒酿)
Wine Rice (酒酿)
Wine Rice (酒酿)
Wine Rice (酒酿)
Wine Rice (酒酿)
Wine Rice (酒酿)
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Rice Lees (酒酿)

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$11.90 SGD each

It comes as no surprise that rice lees enjoy widespread popularity in China, Japan and Taiwan. Across the culinary spectrum, its applications are vast and it serves as a valuable ingredient. It enriches dishes while supporting health and wellness. Our rice lees encompasses countless health benefits including fatigue relief, cognitive retention, liver damage inhibition and hypertension control. It also helps with cholesterol suppression as it contains compounds that have been associated with potential cholesterol-lowering effects. Its nutritional value should not be overlooked as well — they contain proteins, dietary fiber (which supports digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements), E and B-complex vitamins and antioxidants. 

Unbeknownst to many, rice lees are used in China’s nationally popular dessert, 酒酿圆子 and Japanese Amazake.

For new mothers, it also possesses lactation effects. This dish — 猪脚木瓜酒酿煲